Ransomware: The new threat to your website.

Ransomware, once a menace mainly for consumers, has recently become a significant threat to business websites, even small ones. Please read the following important notice about this new risk and our recommendations for mitigating it. WHAT EXACTLY IS RANSOMWARE? Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts or hides a victim’s files. The attacker then…

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Working at Home: Tips on Maximizing Your Productivity

As someone who has been working remotely since 2007, I’d like to share some tips on making it as productive as possible for newbies. Download Our Helpful Guide. Hardware: Most people have a laptop that they can use in any room of the house, but some people will need additional hardware like pcs, printers and…

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DOs and DON’Ts for Communcating About the Coronavirus

Greetings from the coronavirus hot zone, New Rochelle, NY. As you might guess, local businesses up here are concerned about losing business due to the fear surrounding the virus. Many are sharing information about the virus and the quarantine in an effort to tamp down the potential panic. As a business owner and 35-year marketing…

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Is Your Website ADA Compliant?

Due to some recent court decisions in California and Florida, we are advising that all clients consider making their websites ADA compliant. Although no definitive regulations exist yet, two of our clients have received letters from attorneys seeking damages on behalf of blind clients who cannot access their websites. According to the legal experts we…

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Why Do I need a Secure Site?

WHY HTTPS? Recent changes in Google Chrome might mean you should purchase a secure certificate to prevent your search engine rankings from declining. What Is HTTPS? The “s” at the end of the “http” part of a URL means the website is secure. When installed on a web server, an SSL certificate activates a secure…

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